Managing Products for Zoey

Artisan POS and Zoey eCommerce

Artisan POS integrates with Zoey. You enter your products into Artisan POS and they automatically get uploaded to your Zoey site once the interface has been setup. This article was written with the assumption that you are already interfaced. Otherwise, please contact CerTek to schedule your installation.

NOTE: You should NOT enter your products directly into Zoey. Please use Artisan instead. The Artisan Task Manager will upload your products to your Zoey website.

In Artisan, click on either the “Items” icon in the toolbar

or the “Go” pull-down menu, or

the “Go” menu button, then “Inventory,” and “Item Records.”

Choose an existing product or make a new one. Click on the “Internet Store” tab.


  1. Choose “Yes” to “Include in Internet Store?
  2. Enter in the item’s “Shipping Weight.” These fields depend on the layout and template choices you make in Zoey. Your site may vary dramatically.
  3. The “Brief Description” field is often used below your main description and possibly displayed on search result lists.
  4. Enter the “Detailed Description” that will show up in the product’s detail on your Zoey site.
  5. Click on the “Pictures & Menus” tab. Add a “Full-Size Image” and any Additional Images in Additional Image 1 through 5.
    Ignore the “Thumbnail Image.”
  6. Save the Item Record. Shortly after, your product will be published to Zoey on the pre-defined schedule (usually once per hour). Make sure your “Artisan Task Manager” is running. Please call CerTek for assistance if necessary. You can also stop and start your Artisan Tasks to push out products immediately.

Putting your products into the correct Category:

If you want your products grouped by category, then edit the Artisan “Category” record. Click on the “Internet Store” tab.


  1. Choose “Yes” for “Include in Internet Store?
  2. Click on “Pictures & Menus” and add an image if you wish.
Updated on September 12, 2023