– Go to Tools -> Program Options -> Customizing Printed Forms & Receipts -> Edit Forms
– This screen has a list of receipt slip types. find the one that you are using (usually Standard Thermal Receipt)
– If this slip form is a built in and non modifiable export this form and open the XML file at the save location.
– Once you have opened this file look for the following text: <report title=”Standard Thermal Receipt” author=”CerTek Software Designs, Inc.” version=”4.1.04” name=”SLIP-T” dtd-version=”1.3“>
– Change the following attributes: title=”Standard Thermal Receipt” to title=”Standard Thermal Receipt 2″ AND name=”SLIP-T” to another unique name such as name=”SLIP-T 2″ the final result would be: <report title=”Standard Thermal Receipt 2″ author=”CerTek Software Designs, Inc.” version=”4.1.04” name=”SLIP-T 2” dtd-version=”1.3“>
– Save this file
– Go to Tools -> Program Options -> Customizing Printed Forms & Receipts -> Edit Forms
– At this bottom of this screen click “Add a new Record” and on the next screen click “Import Form”
– Find location where you saved your exported xml file.
– On the same screen click the Form Type dropdown and select “Sales Slip Form”
– After importing your form and selecting your Form Type option click “Edit Form”
– Near the top of this form you’ll see “[{@Name And Address}]” label. Right click this and press delete.
– Click the red x and on the next screen click “Save”or “Save As”
– Go to Tools -> Program Options -> Customizing Printed Forms & Receipts -> Edit Slip Styles
– Find the old slip style you were using and open that record after this record is opened set the menu order and default # of copies to 0 and save
– Find the new slip style that you plan to use and open that record. After opening this record set the menu order and default number of copies to 1 and save.