Merchandise Performance Report

One of Artisan’s many useful reports is the Merchandise Performance Report. This report in particular allows you to track how well your items sell, including markdown percentages, gross profit, and more. In most cases, these reports include both Sales and Inventory data. Read on to learn how to utilize this report to its full advantage.

Accessing the Report

There are two ways you can access this report. Head to the top of the screen and select “Reports,” “Merchandising Reports,” and “Merchandise Performance Report.”

Or, from the “Main Menu,” select “Reports.

Click on “Merchandising Reports.”

Then, select “Merchandise Performance Report.”

Either way, you’ll end up at the following screen.

These fields will automatically default to certain fields, such as “Summarize By” set to “Category Tree” and the date range reflecting your current date.

Summarize By: This field controls how the report is outlined. You can choose between “Category Tree” or “Vendor.” A Category Tree sorts your product categories alphabetically and breaks down any subcategories they might have.

Sorting by vendor lists your vendors alphabetically.

Date Range From: You may choose a date range to see merchandise performance details in a certain timeframe.

Ref Date Range From: You may use this other date range in comparison.

Inventory Site: If you have more than one site, you may choose to see merchandise details from all locations or just one.

Enter Vendor Codes: If there are specific vendors you only want to see, enter their Vendor Code here. All other vendors will be excluded.

Category Code: If there are specific categories you only want to see, enter their Category Code here. All other categories will be excluded.

Category Rollup: The number you input here represents how many categories deep you want this report to drill down to, if applicable. For example, if you only wanted to show parent categories, you would input “1.” If you wanted to show the children of these categories, you would input a number 2-9. 

Report Example

Click image to expand

The top section indicates the date range you inputted into the report as well as your reference time frame. For each section (ex. “Net Received,” “Sales,” “Markdowns,” etc.), these date ranges are included so you can easily compare the two.

Net Received

This section refers to any inventory received into Artisan within the period you specified, including the number entered, cost of those items, and the retail cost. Also included is the percentage you marked up the retail price of the item. Transfers and adjustments are included as well.


The next section shows how many of these items were sold during that timeframe, including a percentage sold for each item. For example, we can see that we sold 13% of corn, 79% of potatoes, and 8% of squash. Corn represents 13% of all of our vegetable sales. 

Mark Downs

This section includes the number of items from the inventory that were marked down (you lowered their price). 

Beginning and Ending Inventory

This section shows how much inventory you had at the beginning and end of the time period. For example, we started with 80 units of apples and ended with 20 units of apples.

Gross Profit

The gross profit shows how much money you earned for each item. 

Maintained and Initial Mark Up %

The initial markup percentage is the percentage from the original price of the item, while the maintained markup percentage is from the price the item was finally sold at.

Turns and GMROI

The GMROI is the gross margin return on investment. It analyzes how a business transforms inventory into profit, above the cost it took to purchase that inventory. Turns represent the turnover rate of inventory – how often the item is sold and then replaced (reordered). 

Average Price

Information on Average Price coming soon.

On Order

Units” represents units on order as of today. “Retail” represents retail dollars as of today.

Updated on June 15, 2023

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