Purchase Reorder Report

This report shows any items that are currently on Purchase Requests, such as sales orders or special orders. It will display the item’s current QOH, threshold, reorder quantity, quantity requested, and other important data. 

If needed, you may set up Artisan to automatically create a purchase request for an item once it dips below a threshold. This is important if you want to make sure you always have a certain number of a product in-stock. To learn how to do this, click here to skip to that section.

Accessing the Report

From the toolbar, select “Reports,” “Purchasing Reports,” and “Purchase Reorder Report.”

Or, from the “Main Menu,” select “Reports.”

Choose “Purchasing Reports.”

Then, select “Purchase Reorder Report.”

Either way, you’ll end up at the following screen.

Report Fields

Group By: This is how your report is organized. Choose if you want to sort alphabetically by category or by vendor.

Request Site: If you have more than one store, you may choose to view data from all sites, or just a specific site.

Show Individual Items?: With this set to “Yes,” Artisan will show the specific items that have been reordered. Set to “No,” Artisan will sort the results by what you chose for the “Group By” field (ex. “Category”) without showing specific items.

As with most Artisan reports, you may further customize this report to show certain data. For example, you can include or exclude certain items, vendors, keywords, and categories. You may restrict discontinued items from showing on the report, as well as product variants, consignment, and others. You may also choose to only show items in a certain price or cost range. To have these parameters show the next time you open the report, press “Save as Defaults for this Report.” Artisan will save all changed fields.

Report Examples

In this example, we can see all items currently on order. We can see the current quantity for each item in the “On-Hand” column. The “Threshold” column refers to the number that triggers an automatic reorder. “0” disables this, while for example, setting a reorder quantity of “1” triggers Artisan to make a purchase request whenever the quantity drops below that number.

For example, someone requested five of the “Quiet Road Home” painting. Since this would dip our QOH below our threshold of four, once those five are purchased, Artisna created an automatic purchase request.

Setting Up Reorder Levels

The following fields are set in the Item Record’s “Inventory Details” tab under the “Reorder Levels” section.

Threshold: Whenever the QOH for this item drops below this number, Artisan will automatically create a Purchase Request for the item. For example, let’s say we set this item’s Threshold to “1”. We sell our last of the item, so the QOH drops to zero. Artisan will create a purchase request for this item.

Maximum Stock Level (Target Quantity): If there is a set amount you’d like to order each time a Purchase Request is generated, this is that amount. For example, you know you have a popular item and want to make sure you have enough in stock each time you drop below your Reorder Threshold, so you tell Artisan to reorder 10 each time.

Minimum Reorder Quantity: This is the lowest quantity you’ll accept to create a Purchase Request for the item. For example, if you really want to order an Item in 10 quantities each time, set your Minimum Reorder Quantity to 10 as well. If you have wiggle room and the exact quantity doesn’t matter as much to you, put in a different number, like 8.

Updated on June 15, 2023

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