Accounts Receivable

Accounts Receivable is used to calculate how much a customer owes your business after the goods or services have been completed. 

In order to set up Accounts Receivable in Artisan, you’ll need to configure your settings.

Go to your “Program Options” screen. Select “Business and Financial Settings. Click on “Accounts Receivable Settings.”

General A/R Settings

  1. Leave “Allow Open Accounts (House Charges)?” set to “Yes.
  2. Leave “Enable Full A/R (w/Statements & Finance Charges)?” set to “Yes.”
  3. If you want to set a default amount that customers cannot exceed, enter that here.
  4. Here, you can select which terms will default for your A/R customers. If you want to be able to choose from the dropdown, select “Prompt.” Otherwise, select another option from the list. We’ll go over creating account terms soon.
  5. If you want A/R accounts to be automatically made when new customers are created, select “Yes.”


Payment Types & A/R Terms

In this section, you can select how you accept and file your Accounts Receivable. We recommend leaving this setting alone and leaving your Terms as “On Account.” If you want to create an alternate method, click “Add” to create your new A/R terms. 

Here is an example of creating a custom A/R payment type.

Click on the “Accounts Receivable” tab to select your desired settings. For example, Net 30 with 15% APR.

You can add a picture for this payment type by clicking on the “Pictures and Menus” tab, as well as change its position on the finalize screen.

Accounts Receivable (A/R) Menu

To print statements, view aging reports, and more, head to the “Accounts Receivable” screen in the “Accounting Menu.”


Customers to Include

Select from the dropdown to expand or narrow your list.

All Customers with Open Accounts – Will select all customers in Artisan with open A/R accounts or balances.

One Customer – Select from the list.

Range of Customers – Pick a customer to start and end with.

Customer Keywords to Include – Type a keyword.

Statement Closing Date

Select the dropdown and pick a date from the calendar, or type the date in manually.

Skip Statements Below Minimum?

This option won’t include any statements that did not exceed the minimum amount.

Itemize Charges (by Item?)

Choose if you want the charges to be broken down by item or not.

Select if you want to print mailing labels after the statement is printed.

Unpost A/R Statements

Select with customer(s) you want to unpost and the date. 

A/R Aging Report

This will create a report. Narrow down your results if necessary.

All A/R Customers – This will include all customers with an A/R account.

Outstanding Balance Owed – This will include any customers that owe an outstanding balance.

Outstanding Credits – This will include any customers with outstanding credits.

All Customers – Includes all of your customers, not just ones with an A/R account.

Customers With Open Accounts

A list of all of your  customers with open A/R Accounts.


Updated on June 15, 2023

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