Order Status Menu Utilize this screen to view pending layaways, special orders, on-hold orders, and more. Pending Layaways Screen Special Orders & Custom...
ALL Special Orders & Custom Orders for All Customers Choose if you want to view transaction summaries or line items. This list shows all Special Orders and Custom Orders,...
All Pending Orders Pending orders include items that are ready to be delivered to, picked up, or paid by the customer. Access Pending...
Ready Orders Ready Orders are orders that are ready to be delivered or picked up by the customer, or paid for completely....
Delivered Orders Delivered Orders are orders that have been handed to the customer (picked up) or shipped out. Marking an Order Delivered...
Understanding Customer Deposits from Web, Sales, Special Orders, & Layaways Sometimes, it might be confusing to look at a day end after you have received an order or layaway. This...
Refunding a Partial Amount (on a Special Order) Sometimes, you might need to refund a partial amount on a special order that has been paid in full, but...
Waiting Orders Waiting Orders are orders that are pending payment or need to be marked delivered. Accessing Waiting Orders To see your...