Employee Time Clock

With the Deluxe Feature Pack purchased and the Employee Time Clock enabled, employees can clock in and out of Artisan. This is a useful tool to keep track of your business and ensure employees track their time correctly.

Set Up the Time Clock

In order for Users to clock in and out, they must be set up to do so in Artisan. Under “Users and Security Settings,” click on “Edit Users.”

You’ll see a list of your Artisan Users. The “Track Time?” column shows if they are able to track their time or not. To change this, edit a user.

Under “Track Time Worked?” toggle this to “yes” if you want the employee to be able to clock in and out.

Some users require certain authorization levels to edit their records, as indicated in the “Authorization Level” dropdown. It’s typical for Owners to only have this access, but it depends on the hierarchy of your store and what you want your users to be able to edit.

If you want a user to only use Artisan to clock out and not use the program for anything else, toggle the “Time Clock Only?” dropdown to “Yes.

Employee Time Clock Menu

This screen connects to corresponding areas related to the Employee Time Clock.

Time Clock In/Out Board

This screen displays a list of all employees who have clocked in and out and provides time stamps of when those actions occurred. If the employee is currently clocked in, you’ll see “IN” on the “In/Out” section. If the employee clocked out, you’ll see “Out” in that section.

This screen also displays how long the employee worked for in the “hours” section.

You can sort by employee, if necessary, by clicking the “Employee Equals” dropdown and selecting a user. This will bring up information only relating to them.

View/Edit Time Clock Records

If you have proper authorization access, you can edit time clock records. Select a record you want to edit and click “Edit This Record.”

Here, you can change their clocked in and out date if necessary. The “Total Hours” will update depending on if time is added or subtracted.

The “Activity” tab tells you who created the record, the date it was created on, and which station, as well as if anyone changed this information.

You can run an Audit Log to see this information more clearly.

Employee Time Clock Detail

Here is where you can run reports to see time clock information for all employees or specific employees.

You can also sort this information through date and sales location.



Employee Time Clock Summary

Similar to the Employee Time Clock Detail report, except instead of breaking down the clock in and out date, it only displays the total hours.


Clock In/Clock Out

Employees can clock in or out here. This is more easily accessed by the “Clock In/Out” button in the tool bar.


Updated on June 19, 2023

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