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  5. How to Export Gift Cards and Credits from Artisan 3.5

How to Export Gift Cards and Credits from Artisan 3.5

In order to export gift card and store credit information from Artisan version 3.5, please follow these steps.

Before you can export your gift card or store credit information, you’ll need to adjust your printer settings. Instead of printing the information, Artisan will save the data as a file on your computer.

1. From the “Go” menu, select “Device Configuration.”

2. Select your printer. 

3. For “Printer Name,” select “File or Raw Port.”

4. For “Printer Port/Filename,” enter the name of the Windows User, then enter the file name with the extension .CSV. For example, we’re saving our .CSV files under the user “Stephanie” with the file name Test.CSV

(When the file is saved, it will show in the User’s folder)

5. From the “Main Menu,” click on “Accounting.”

6. Select “Outstanding Transactions.”

7. Select the type of data you want to export. In this case, it’s “Store Credit Slips.”

8. Press “Ctrl” and “P” on your keyboard. Select the report style you would like to export (ex. List of Records, one per line).

9. Press “Start.”

10. Follow steps 7 – 9 to export gift certificates.


Updated on September 5, 2023

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