Import Line Items on a Purchase Order

Artisan lets you import line items from a file onto a Purchase Order. This is especially helpful if you’re switching from another POS to Artisan and want to keep your purchase order records intact. Follow these steps to learn how. 

Setting Up the File

Before you import the file into Artisan, you must set up the .XLSX file using a program like Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel. Using the correct column headers ensures that Artisan will be able to read the data properly. 

Even though this file isn’t coming from a scanner device, like ScannerPal, Artisan needs the information set up similarly.

Set up your document with the column “Code” and the column “Qty” (case-sensitive, as shown in the example).

Code” is used for the item’s Item Code and “Qty” is for the amount included on the Purchase Order.

Save your document as an .XLSX file.

Importing Into Artisan

Create or edit your purchase order.

Open the “Operations” menu. Do this by clicking on the “Operations” button or the shortcut, CTRL and O on your keyboard.

Select the “(Scan Mode) Load PO from PDT or File” button or by selecting the “U” or “F8” shortcuts on your keyboard.

Choose the “Import Scans from File” button or select “Shift” and “F10” on your keyboard.

Locate the file on your computer and select “Open.”

If your import was successful, you should receive a confirmation screen in Artisan.

The items should now be included on the “Scanned Items” screen. When you’re finished reviewing them, press “Process” or “F10” on your keyboard.

The items should now be included on the Purchase Order.

Updated on June 14, 2023

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