Purchasing Menu The purchasing menu provides access to creating, viewing, and editing purchase requests, as well as creating, viewing, and editing purchase...
Using Purchase Requests Artisan has a feature called Purchase Requests which helps track products that need to be ordered from your vendors. This...
Protected: Purchase Orders & Requests: Per-Site Purchasing & Receiving There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Creating Purchase Orders for New Products Please refer to these steps on how to create a Purchase Order for New Items using a Blank PO (in...
View/Edit Purchase Order List Purchase Order List To see a list of purchase orders, click on “Purchasing” from the “Main Menu” and “View/Edit Purchase...
Print, Export, or Email a Purchase Order Printing, exporting, and emailing purchase orders is easy in Artisan. Follow these steps to learn how. Finish your purchase order....
Shipping Addresses for Purchase Orders Do you have more than one location you want your products shipped to? Maybe you have a second store location...
Import Line Items on a Purchase Order Artisan lets you import line items from a file onto a Purchase Order. This is especially helpful if you’re switching...
Vendor Invoice Workflow This article goes over the general workflow you should follow when exporting your vendor invoices. Click on either heading to...
Apply a Discount to a PO After Receiving There might come a time when you need to discount a purchase order after the items have been delivered. An...