There might come a time when you need to discount a purchase order after the items have been delivered. An example is that the items supplied by the vendor are not the quality you expected, and the vendor agreed to a refund or discount.
Apply a Discount
To apply a discount to an entire PO, follow these steps.
From the “Purchasing” menu, click on “View/Edit Purchase Order.”
On the “Purchase Orders” screen, navigate to the “PO Status” field. From the dropdown, select “Closed” to bring up the purchase orders with items you have already received into Artisan.
Select the purchase order you want to edit from the list.
You are now modifying the PO. Click on the “Discount PO” button, or press “Ctrl“, “Shift” and “D” on your keyboard.
Insert the discount percentage. Click “OK.”
Notice that the “Total” changed. Save the PO.