Artisan’s reporting feature provides valuable insight into your store. One of these powerful reports is the “Sales By Item (Detail)” report. This report includes average unit cost, inventory retail value, inventory cost value, units sold, and other important information based on a time range you set.
Accessing the Report
There are two ways you can access this report. Head to the top of the screen and select “Reports,” “Sales Reports,” and “Sales By Item (Detail).”
Or, from the “Main Menu,” click on “Reports.”
Select “Sales Reports.”
Choose “Sales by Item (Detail).”
Either way, you’ll end up at the following screen.
Report Fields
Show Subtotals Only: Selecting “Yes” will only include units sold in your current date range, units sold in your reference date range, and your current QOH.
Group By: This controls how Artisan will sort your report. For example, if you choose Category Tree, Artisan will sort each section alphabetically by category.
2nd Group By: If you want to further filter how Artisan organizes this report, select either by Category Tree or Vendor Code.
Sort By: Choose how you want the items to be listed in each section (ex. by Item Code).
Sales Site: Determine if you want to see inventory, sales, and order status information for all sites or a specific site.
Show Items With Sales: Determine if the report will include items that have a sales history, only items that haven’t been sold, or both.
Select Sales Date Range: Enter a date range manually or use the dropdown calendar. This is the range Artisan will pull data from.
Include Only Posted Transactions? Selecting “yes” will only show payments that have been posted in a Day End.
You may further filter this report to include only specific items, descriptions, vendors, vendor purchase numbers, item keywords, and categories. Simply type in the item code, description, vendor code, etc, or use the magnifying glass to locate them.
There are other fields to the right of this section to include and exclude other items by discontinued, variants, consignment, non-inventory, out-of-stock, and other options.
Price Range: Leave as-is to use the default amounts or enter a specific price range.
Unit Cost Range: Leave as-is to use the default amounts or enter a specific Unit Cost Range.
Example Report
You’ll notice in this report that we chose to organize our items by category and Item Code.
QOH: Your current QOH, as of the day you ran this report.
Average Unit Cost: This is how much it cost us to buy the item.
Inventory Retail Value: The price we are selling the item for, multiplied by the quantity on hand. For example, we have three Calendars in stock that we are selling for $30. Our value is $90.
Inventory Cost Value: This is the Average Unit Cost of the Item multiplied by the quantity on hand. For example, our Average Unit cost is $20.00. We have three of these items, bringing our cost value to $60.
Units Sold: This is the number of items sold in this time range.
Retail Sold: The price of the item we’re selling it for, including any discounts, multiplied by the units sold. We sold two 2023 Spring Calendars for $30.00 each, bringing our Retail Sold to $60.00.
COGS: The number of units sold multiplied by the “Average Unit Cost.” For example, we sold two calendars and our average unit cost was $30. 30 x 2 is 60, so $60 is our COGS.
Last Sale: The date this item was last purchased.
Margin: Sales minus the cost of goods sold, divided by the net sales, multiplied by 100. Using the calendar again as the example, our Retail Sold is $60.00. We subtract the cost of goods sold, which is $40.00. We then take $20.00/$60.00 and multiply that by 100, getting a margin of 33 percent.
You’ll notice that the first item on our example has a negative margin. That’s because the item is on sale. It’s normally priced at $20.00 and is on sale for $10.00.