Customer Record List Screen Customer Record List Screen This screen is where all your customer records are housed. To edit the record, double-click on...
Creating Customer Records Creating customer records is easy in Artisan. Watch this video or read the instructions below to learn more. From...
View Customer Purchase History Viewing a customer’s purchase history comes in handy when they need to return an item, but don’t have the sales...
Import Customer Records Artisan allows importing files for different types of records. Only RAW imports can be done. That is, the user needs...
Merging Duplicate Customer Records If you have duplicate customer records, you can merge them. Watch this video or read the instructions below to learn...
Customer Shipping Info Artisan allows you to store handy information about customers right in their customer record. Artisan will then automatically apply this...
Adding Notes, Memos, and Keywords to Customers It’s helpful to have notes about certain customers. With Artisan, you can add notes and memos to the customer record....
Adding Dates and Relationships to Customer Records Watch this video or read the article to learn how to add dates and relationships to customer records. You can...
Add Image to a Customer You can add an image to a customer record in Artisan. Watch this video or read the instructions below to...
Collecting Data Through Driver’s License You can collect customer information by scanning a customer’s driver’s license. You must have a 2D barcode scanner, such as...
Displaying Total Sales for Each Customer Want to see how much a customer has spent overall? Follow these quick steps. Open your “Customer Records” screen and...
How to Use Card on File Artisan can keep cards saved in customer records via “card tokens.” With cards saved in the “card on file area,”...