How to Export Customer Emails Having a customer’s email address is a great way to send them information about their orders and keep them up-to-date...
Sales by Customer Report If you want a summary of how much your customers purchased, and when those purchases occurred, consider using the “Sales...
Sales By Customer with Cost of Goods Sold Report This report is similar to the Sales By Customer report, except it includes your cost of goods sold per customer...
Sales By Customer Postal Code Report Curious to know how much your customers buy in a specific time period, categorized by zip code? This data can...
Customer Reports Menu Artisan has a variety of reports to help you analyze your store. One area of reports is the Customer Reports...
Customer List Export Report There are multiple reports you can run within Artisan to view customer information. One of these reports is the “Customer...
Exporting Customer Emails Artisan can store customer contact information, such as an email, in a customer record. This is especially helpful if you...