BOGOs and Two-Fers (“nFers”)

Artisan has various ways that you can apply discounts to items and sales. One of these methods is by using the “Pricing Schemes” area. This article focuses on BOGO and Two-Fer specials.

Pricing Schemes Screen

Select “Inventory” on the Sales Screen.

Select “Pricing Schemes.”

Add a record.

Buy Some, Get Some (BOGO)

Requires additional license

This is a popular technique for increasing sales and customer satisfaction. 

The discount can be one specific item, all the items in a category, or even random items that use the same pricing scheme, which is the default.

BOGO Example

As you increase the quantity of the item sold on the sale, the BOGO will be applied. This creates a new sale line to reflect the free product, which makes this clear to the customer.

“Two-Fer” Specials, etc.

Requires additional license

If you want to limit a coupon to a specific item or category, you should use the Two-Fer (“n-Fer”) Discount Pricing Scheme.

The “Two-Fer” option lets you increase sales by increasing the number of units sold. When customers purchase more with this special, they save more.

A good example might be three items for $9.99 when the regular price of one is $4.00. It is better to choose amounts that are equally divisible by the number of units required. So, 3 items for $9.99 is $3.33 each. If you chose 3 for $10.00 instead, then Artisan would have to apply an extra line on the sale to display the extra penny. This would be two units at $3.33, and one at $3.34. For this reason, it is much better to make the math come out even.

As with the other discount types, you can specify by item or category.

Two-Fer/”n”-Fer Special Example

In this example, these specific bracelets are usually $5 apiece.

With the “3 for $9.99” Pricing Scheme set, these items are $3.33 apiece when bought in multiples of three.

Updated on December 7, 2023

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