How to Discount a Single Item With a Coupon

This article explains how to apply a coupon to one item on a sale. The solution is to set up a specific Pricing Scheme.

From the “Main Menu,” click on “Inventory.”

Select “Pricing Schemes.”

Create a new Pricing Scheme.

By default, a Pricing Scheme will look like this. 

We’ll need to make some changes. First, enter the name of your Pricing Scheme. For example, maybe you want to be able to discount a single item by 10%, so you might call the Pricing Scheme “10% Off With Coupon.”

Set the “Pricing Scheme Type” to “Two-Fer Specials, etc.” Leave the “Qty Breaks Apply To” as “All Line Items using this Pricing Scheme.”

Change the default “Buy multiples of” to 1. Change “Price” to “Discount.” Enter the discount percentage.

Next, we’ll need to create a Coupon Discount Item Record, then enter the Item Record Code here. Save the Pricing Scheme. Head to the Item Records screen to create the record.

  •  Name the record something easily identifiable, like “Coupon Discount” or something similar.
  • Enter an Item Code for your coupon.
  • Select a category for your coupon.
  • Set the “Manufacturer” and “Preferred Vendor” fields to “None.”
  • Set “Inventory Tracking” to “Off.”
  • Click on the “Qty Breaks and More Prices” tab.

Select the “Retail Quantity Break Scheme” that you just created. 

Return to the Pricing Scheme and enter the code for the Item Record that you just created.

You can limit the number of occurrences of this discount on the sale if necessary. Simply enter a number for “Per-Coupon Total Qty Break Limit” and/or “Per-Sale Coupon Limit.

Here is an example of how this discount looks on the sales screen. 

The price of a 12-pack of soda is $15.00.

Once we add the coupon item record, the item is automatically discounted.

Updated on September 11, 2023

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