Before you update to Windows 11, please read this article.
To check if your computer is eligible for the Windows 11 update, head to the Windows Icon and click on “Settings.”
Click on “Update and Security.”
This will open the Windows Update screen. If your PC isn’t eligible for the Windows 11 update, you’ll see the “This PC doesn’t currently meet all the system requirements” screen. Click on “Get PC Health Check.”
Download the “PC Health Check program.”
Open the file once it’s finished downloading.
Accept the License Agreement terms and click “Install.”
The program will install. Click “Finish.”
Click on “Check Now” in the “Introducing Windows 11” box.
A pop-up will show the requirements that are missing. Click on “See All Results” to expand the list.
You can scroll through the list to see what requirements the computer does or does not meet.
Enabling TPM 2.0
Follow these instructions from Microsoft on how to enable TPM on your computer.