Purchase Request Report

Purchase Requests track products that need to be ordered from your vendors. This feature is very helpful when you create special orders or sell products you do not have in stock. As Purchase Requests are made, they are listed on the “Purchase Request” screen.

Want to see an in-depth review of all purchase requests within Artisan? Run the “Purchase Request Report” and see purchase request units, cost, price, margin, and more. 

Accessing the Report

There are two ways you can access this report. From the top of the screen, click on “Reports,” “Purchasing Reports,” and “Purchase Request Report.”

Or, from the “Main Menu,” click on “Reports.”

Select “Purchasing Reports.”

Click on “Purchase Request Report.”

Either way, you’ll end up at the following screen.

Report Fields

Group By – Decide if you want your purchase requests broken down by category or vendor first. 

Request Site – If “All” is selected, you’ll see purchase requests made at all of your locations.

Show Individual Items – If “Yes” is selected, each item included on purchase requests will display, including their Item Code, Vendor P/N, and Description. If “No” is selected, these areas will remain blank, and will only display the Category Code and Category Description included on purchase requests.

Specific Item: Leave set to “All” if you want to display all items on purchase requests. Otherwise, type in an item code or use the magnifying glass to pull up the Item Record list and search for your item there. Separate multiple Item Codes by commas if you’re including more than one item.

Description (Contains): Leave set to “All” if you want to display items with any description. Otherwise, enter a word here.

You may further filter this report to include or exclude specific vendors, vendor purchase numbers, item keywords, and categories. Simply type in the item code, description, vendor code, etc, or use the magnifying glass to locate them.

There are other fields to the right of this section to include and exclude other items by discontinued, variants, consignment, non-inventory, out-of-stock, and other options.

Price Range: Leave as-is to use the default amounts or enter a specific price range.

Unit Cost Range: Leave as-is to use the default amounts or enter a specific Unit Cost Range.

If you want to save these settings for later when you open this report in the future, check the “Save as Defaults for this Report.” The fields you altered will be saved.

Example Report

Click image to expand

Category: If you grouped the report by category, you’ll see a “Category” column. This is the item’s category code and description, found within its Item Record.

Vendor: If you grouped the report by vendor, you’ll see a “Vendor” column. This is the item’s vendor code and description, found within its Item Record.

Item Code: The item’s code, found within its Item Record.

Description: A brief definition of the item, found within its Item Record.

Vendor P/N: If you’ve included a vendor part number, it will show here. The Vendor P/N is located in the Item Record.

Units: The number of items on the purchase request.

Cost: The overall cost of the items on the purchase request.

Price: The overall price of the items on the purchase request.

Margin: This calculates how much profit you made by selling each item. This is the price subtracted by the cost (gross profit), then the price divided by the gross profit. For example, we sold two 12-PC Stonewear Dinner plates for a total of $280. It cost us $120. 280-120 is 160, so $160 is our gross profit. 160 divided by 280 is 0.57. Our margin is 57%.

Total For: The sum of each column by category or vendor, depending on how you grouped the report. 

Grand Total: The overall sum of each column, including other vendors or categories. 

Updated on June 13, 2023

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