In order to run Internet reports, such as sales information, separate from other inventory, you must have your Internet Store set up on a separate site. This is not a physical site, like a store or warehouse’s actual location. This is simply a site created within Artisan that communicates with your webstore.
Configure Settings in Artisan
To begin, go to “Tools” and “Program Options.”
Open “Stations and Sites (Locations).”
Click on “Edit Sites.”
Follow these steps:
1. Create a new record and assign it a “Site Number” such as 100.
2. For its “Site/Location Name,” name it “Internet.”
3. Name the “Store Name for this Site” as “Internet” as well.
4. Make sure “Track Inventory at this Site?” is set to “No.”
5. For “Default Inventory Location for Sales from this Site,” select whatever site that has the inventory for Internet sales, or that Internet sales will pull from.
6. You can then choose to pull inventory from multiple locations if you choose. Enter a list separated by a comma or type ALL to include all other sites.
7. Press “Save.”
Configure Settings in the Artisan Task Manager
Search for the “Artisan Task Manager.”
Click on “Task” and “New.“
Name the new task a name related to your online store.
1. Make sure the “Task Type” is set to “Download.”
2. Set “Internet Store Type” to whatever your store type is (Shopify or WooCommerce).
3. The “Sale Source Name” should match the site/location name you created in Artisan earlier.
4. This is your web address. It MUST include the https:// and be just like the example, but with your address instead. If it is a Shopify site, it must include
5. Store User ID: For Shopify users, this is the API Key from the Shopify Setup. Read these instructions to learn how to get that information.
6. Store Password: For Shopify users, this is the API password from the Shopify Setup. Read these instructions to learn how to get that information.
7. Press “Save” and “Run.”
Now, Internet store orders will download specifically to this site. This will make it much easier to run specific reports based on your webstore.