Artisan has robust security measures to help you shut out certain Users from different parts of the program. Starting with version 4.9, you may use “User-Based Authorization” to override regular level-based (authorization level) tasks.
For example, let’s say you want to restrict all clerks from adding tips to a sale–except one User in particular.
Note: User-Based Authorization requires a Deluxe Feature license and must be turned on in your “Optional Features” section.
Set Up User-Based Authorization
Under “Users & Security Settings,” scroll down to “User-Based Authorization.” Select the task, the User, and what permission they have.
Lists of Tasks
Below is a list of tasks you may choose to override. Last updated 3/15/24.
- Check for program updates
- Accept an expired license/ID (or missing expiration date)
- Accept physical inventory counts
- Add, update, or delete credit cards on file
- Backdate sales
- Begin or preview Day-End or Shift Close-Out process
- Build assembly kits
- Bulk change existing customer records
- Bulk change existing inventory records
- Bulk change order status / mark orders Delivered
- Bulk delete existing customer records
- Bulk delete existing inventory records
- Change A/R account limits or terms
- Change Appearance Settings
- Change Cashier manually
- Change Sales Rep(s) manually
- Change inventory for other sites
- Change report parameter defaults
- Change to another (real) company database
- Check for program updates
- Configure attached devices
- Configure defaults for new records
- Configure messages for receipts and forms
- Configure other settings
- Configure users & passwords
- Create a new Purchase Order (PO)
- Create new customer records
- Create new inventory records (Items, Categories, Vendors, etc.)
- Create or modify a Vendor Invoice
- Create or modify report & label forms
- Create, modify, or delete “manual” coupons
- Create, modify, or delete “manual” gift certificates
- Create, modify, or delete Forms
- Create, modify, or delete Gift Registries
- Create, modify, or delete Loyalty Clubs
- Create, modify, or delete Product Variant Templates
- Create, modify, or delete Purchase Requests
- Delete existing customer records
- Delete existing inventory records
- Deliver inventory from other sites
- Discount non-discountable items
- Enter automatic billing templates
- Enter buy from customer sales
- Enter custom orders
- Enter donation sales
- Check for internal use sales
- Enter inventory qty adjustments (besides sales & receiving)
- Enter layaways
- Enter or review physical inventory counts
- Enter rental check-ins
- Enter rental reservations
- Enter sales for other sites
- Enter sales on approval
- Enter sales orders
- Enter special orders
- Enter the program options (configuration) area
- Exit (close) the program
- Export database records
- Finalize and post a Shift Closing (if enabled)
- Finalize and post a full Day-End Close-Out
- Force all stations to exit
- Import database records
- Make an unscheduled backup of the database
- Manage Employee Time Clock Records
- Manage Remote Operations
- Manually adjust A/R account balances
- Manually change Loyalty Club points
- Manually set DOB
- Manually verify age w/o DOB
- Mark an order as Ready or Delivered even though it’s Waiting
- Modify a finalized PO
- Modify existing customer records
- Modify existing inventory records (besides Qty On Hand)
- Modify financial fields in customer records
- Modify or void a previously-posted sale or order
- Modify or void an un-posted recalled sale or order
- Modify or void an un-posted recalled sale or order from a closed shift
- Open a cash drawer without a sale
- Override A/R account limits for a sale
- Override discounts on a sale
- Override minimum layaway/order deposit on a sale
- Override prices on a sale
- Perform accounting functions
- Perform advanced database maintenance
- Perform basic database maintenance
- Print a large batch of labels
- Print lists of records & record details
- Put a sale or order on hold
- Receive inventory without a PO
- Receive inventory without a PO
- Record Cash Drops and Cash Adds
- Resolve Pending Out-Of-Stock Corrections
- Restore data from a backup file
- Return merchandise
- Run customer reports
- Run employee performance reports
- Run employee time clock reports
- Run internet store reports
- Run inventory reports
- Run merchandising reports
- Run miscellaneous reports
- Run order processing reports
- Run other financial reports
- Run payment processing reports
- Run purchasing reports
- Run receiving reports
- Run reports for other sites
- Run sales reports
- Save a sale or order with no customer selected
- Save new or modified search schemes
- Sell Gift Registry items as Gifts Due
- Sell Out-Of-Stock items
- Sell a fill-in-price item
- Sell discontinued items
- Sell items from Gift Registries
- Switch to Sample Data
- Transfer inventory between sites
- Un-delete deleted keywords
- Unpost previously-posted sales
- Use credit cards on file on a sale
- Use expired credit slips and gift certificates
- View audit logs
- View customer activity
- View inventory activity and purchase summaries
- View or print cost information
- View vendor information
- View, modify, or delete Cash Activity Records
- Void ALL deposits/payments for this transaction
- Void an entire sale or order
- Void and discard an entire PO
- Void and discard an entire Vendor Invoice
- Void line items on a sale or order