Vendor List Export Report

Artisan allows you to export a list of your vendors, including Vendor Code, Vendor Type, Main Supplier, Main Category, and other information. Like most Artisan reports, you can use certain filters and fields to narrow or broaden your scope.

Accessing the Report

To access the report, click on “Reports,” “Inventory Reports,” and “Vendor List Export Report” from the toolbar.

Or, from the “Main Menu,” click on “Reports.”

Select “Inventory Reports.”

Choose “Vendor List Export Report.”

Either way, you’ll end up at the following screen.

Report Fields

Like most Artisan reports, you can utilize these fields to narrow or broaden your search scope. You can input a specific vendor by typing in the vendor code or searching for it using the magnifying glass (to input multiple search terms in a field, separate the search term by a comma. For example, AG,AS,ES for vendors Art To Go, Anne Smith, and Erica Smith. You can select to show only certain vendor types, like Artists, and which category their items fall into, for example. 

You can save your search terms for next time by selecting the “Save as Defaults” check mark.

Report Example

We broke up this report into several screenshots. Click to view each.

Updated on June 13, 2023

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