Voice Authorizations

When are Voice Authorizations Used?

Artisan supports voice authorizations. When the authorization is complete, the cardholder or the merchant will receive a special code, which must be entered into Artisan.

Voice authorizations are used to verify payments. Some customers might have a limit on the charges they allow on their card. If their order exceeds that amount, you will not be able to run the card without receiving the voice authorization code. The cashier or the cardholder will need to call their credit card company and verify the purchase to receive the code.

Voice authorizations are also handy if your payment processing system is down due to hardware issues or otherwise inaccessible. 

Voice Authorizations in Artisan

On the “Finalize Payment” screen, select the “Voice Auth” button or “Alt” and “A” on your keyboard.

Select the card type: credit card or purchasing card.

Enter the card information and the approval code.

Artisan will process the sale.


Updated on June 26, 2023

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