Change Log
Updated 4/4/2018
(In descending order from the most recent, not all version numbers are released.)
- Expanded export width of fields because they were being truncated. Also correction to customer filters. Customer Export Report. CUS-109
- Updated Retail Planning Report to group by site number and m1 store number properly. SAL-223
- Fix Excel export to handle null values (as empty strings). This was writing a 0 byte excel file that wouldn’t open.
- 4.X Migration from 3.5: During migration from 3.5, handle (bogus) “<>” in Customer ID fields.
- Fixed the ability to import just the month number correctly instead of the entire date. Import just the birthday month for example.
- Implement scan/search by *alternate* customer ID. Fix customer import, when matching on alternate customer ID to not replace the main ID.
- 4.X Migration from 3.5: Fixes for loyalty club summary migration.
- 4.X Migration from 3.5: Fix failure to migrate loyalty clubs (check for blank names was backwards).
- Internet Store Interface (ISI): Don’t allow Variant Items to be Online unless their Base Product is also. Sync Additional Categories from Base Product if not using Individual Internet Store Fields. Sync Product Name from Base Product if not using Individual Descriptions.
- Added new report totals for the following: New Special Orders, New Sales Orders, New Layaway Orders, and Delivered Sales to the Sales Summary report (SAL-051).
- Improved reliability of bulk inventory processing (such as Accepting Counts for a Physical Inventory) to avoid obscure crashes.
- Internet Store Interface (ISI): Upload sale prices and (except for Shopify) sale dates, computed from retail price and discount.
- Internet Store Interface (ISI): Ignore Vendor “NONE” when uploading Mfr Name to Shopify Vendor field.
- Internet Store Interface (ISI): Shopify fixes for changing variants and non-variant data that Shopify stores as a variant and other variant improvements.
- 4.X Migration from 3.5: Fix null pointer during migration of inventory kits.
- Internet Store Interface (ISI): Fix collision on Shopify records for products with same description. Fix Shopify and WooCommerce to add items if missing (when Artisan already has a store mapping to a deleted Shopify record).
- Internet Store Interface (ISI):
- Upload Manufacturer Name to Shopify Vendor field.
- Add Bulk Change Manufacturer.
- Possible performance improvement for bulk changes.
- Allow ‘#nnn’ at end of Database Name to specify site number (as alternative to cmd line option).
- Added quick fix to prevent looking for 100 variants for shopify until this code is finished.
- Fix so HTML CerTek Buttons (like “Variants…”) have their text drawn immediately.
- When migrating images with absolute file names, if they aren’t found at the absolute location, also try with just the base file name in the image and data folders.
- Give message when failure to get exclusive access causes Inventory Tracking settings changes to not be saved.
- Fix Rename Task to also rename STOREMAP entries in the database.
- Fix Loyalty Club points import to set Max Points if not imported explicitly.
- Fix crash from new item code renumbering when number strings are too long: make the check for number preservation much more specific.
- Offer choice to renumber all items when changing numbering scheme.
- When importing images from a record file, strip off URL suffixes starting with “?” when extracting the image filename.
- On Loyalty Club Points import, if Club Amount is also imported, don’t back-compute Club Amount from Points.
- Allow Bulk Change Preferred Vendor to rename all item codes, even when using numeric item code schemes.
- Increase width of site fields on Sale & PO screens so “Warehouse” doesn’t get clipped.
- Added Date Range and PO Basis filter parameters to On Order Report (PUR-004).
- Internet Store Interface (ISI): Allow for renaming of tasks. Split “Store Prefix” into 3 settings and fine-tune field names and layout. Only show fields relevant to each task type. Fix drawing glitches. Fix to not save new task until Save button pressed. Clear log when Run button pressed. Enforce Shopify 100 variant limit.
- Internet Store Interface (ISI): Fix to prevent constant clearing of the log output (due to long requests logged with error responses, on Shopify, and now also on WooCommerce).
- Fix migration issues (missing item codes from 3.X, better handling of long renamed variant items). Add constraint checks for SS_NOTE lines.
- Merged from trunk Clarify title wording for target site selection starting PO with Order Location Tracking. [from revision 8119]
- Internet Store Interface (ISI): Add Product Name field and task options to Require Brief and/or Detailed Descriptions.
- Report Engine: Allow for prompting of non-enumerated multi-value parameters (as comma lists).
- Indicate reorder mode on Item Record Screen (when location-tracking).
- Fix so tables in dialogs (such as Label Qty Dialog) are not too tall.
- Report Engine: Eliminate vulnerability to null pointer when changing bounds (perhaps when in the middle of a drag?).
- Report Engine: Fix so sales import tables are hidden and don’t conflict with real sales tables (TRANSACT, etc).
- Split Minimum Deposit settings were added for sales orders and special orders
- On the sale screen, Artisan now uses the selected site rather than the default for available quantity in the Item Detail display
- Shopify Integration improvements were made to ensure that the price, quantity, and other item properties are correctly updating when the Artisan-Shopify synchronization task is run.
- Day-ends are now allowed with out shift close, even when shift closing is enabled.
- Process button on the day-end screen is now the first component to receive focus
- Inventory Item selection now honors the site selection for quantity on hand and quantity on order
- Shift closing is skipped when there is only one shift open.
- Fixed failure to save a new vendor product when adding manual purchase requests
- The Artisan installer now detects whether or not you have the latest JRE to run Artisan. If not, it will install the JRE silently.
- Fixed the crash that occured when adding variants to a sale when a price or amount round-off adjustment is needed
- Inventory transfer reports are no longer duplicating transfers
- Artisan now has a 32-bit windows installer
- Fixed Best Seller Report to allow for mixed grouping and sum by. For example, group by vendor and sum by category.
- Artisan now supports a new label size and form: 2.25 x 1.25
- All Built-in Artisan Inventory and Sales reports now support multiple stores
- Physical Inventory Counting – Scan Mode is no longer disabled when to many records are loaded.
- A fix was made on the Physical Inventory Counting screen, now when scanning items the total number of inventory counted is display as it should be.
- We had several issues with Physical Inventory Counting screen, especially when trying to scan items. It wouldn’t allow you to scan items that weren’t outside the filtered list. This would cause undefined behavior, but has been resolved.
- Now Gift Receipts show Sales Rep(s)
- We have improved performance for the Smart Returns
- An error occurred where you weren’t able to search slip numbers when doing a refund. This has been resolved and there are now no issues when trying to search a slip number.
- Sales Summary Report has been improved and now handles Multi-Store cases.
- Made improvements to the Tender Table on the Payment screen.
- The Standard Thermal Receipt now includes text containing the name of the Sales Rep(s) that completed the customers transaction.
- We’ve fixed various minor bugs that existed in Artisan’s Report Designer. Specifically, glitches with field movement, especially with linked header fields.
- We’ve also fixed a Fatal exception that wouldn’t allow Artisan to connect to a database after upgrading from a previous version. This occurred in 4.2.60
- When opening a new screen via the Artisan Toolbar, when the screen is reactivated it is now in the same state as it was left in. Verses the screen reopening and defaulting to the first focusable component.
- When saving an Item Record with a changed Quantity on Hand (QOH), it would produce a Null Pointer Error Message when trying to save the Item Record. This has been resolved.
- Artisan now supports reversed image print on Eltron compatible printers.
- Tender amount wasn’t being recomputed when making a change on the sale panel and coming back if the focus was on the payment button instead of the amount field. This is been fixed and the tender amount is recomputed as it should be.
- Fix a Null Pointer exception crash using magic override to login or authorize a user.
- In Artisan’s Report Designer, when copying and pasting a field header that is attached to a data or formula field, it also copies the linkage to the base field. Now all header fields that are copied are automatically un-linked from the base item.
- The Quick cash buttons that were broken in version 4.2.54, are now fixed in version 4.2.59
- Artisan’s Report Designer now supports inverse color fields.
- In Artisan’s Report Designer, we’ve fixed the vertical spacing on all multi-line fields on labels.
- You can no longer change the name of built-in search schemes.
- When using split tenders, artisan now confirms, with a dialog box, that the user intends to use split payment types. This protects the user from accidentally typing the payment type number into the amount field.
- If a user was locked out of the program due to incorrectly typing the correct password, they wouldn’t be allowed to log back in unless the program had been restarted. Now if the user gets locked out, they are allowed back into the program after 30 minutes.
- We Fixed the failure to migrate tax summary records (when referencing current tax rates). When running a Monthly Sales Summary Report it wasn’t showing the sales tax for the time period, this is now solved.
- For cross compatibility Ctrl variants for the Mac were added. Now along with Mac’s Command-X, Command-C, and Command-V Ctrl-X, Ctrl-C, and Ctrl-V cut, copy, and paste respectively this functionality is available in input fields across the application.
- Now instead of specifically selected each individual license key, we you can paste the entire license certificate and Artisan will parse each license key for you and add it to your application.
- Fixed the Mac alt key bindings with new workaround for Java 7/8 (supporting Mac special characters and diacritic composition in non-empty text fields and alt-letter actions elsewhere).
- Fixed configuration settings screen race conditions on closing (with or without Save)
- Improved performance on the Time Clock In/Out board screen before this screen was sluggish.
- Fixed the occasional null pointer exception checking station status before the current station has been marked live
- Shopify Fixes / Changes: Replaces pre-existing variants even when Artisan doesn’t expect them. Variant images aren’t uploaded unless the template specifies that images are individually editable.
- Integrations with the InternetStore Interface are now improved with the ability to push items from Artisan into your website and update item properties and have it synchronize with the website on an interval specified by the you.
- Postgres version number is now is compared numerically vs alphanumerically now
- IllegalComponentStateException is no longer a problem in Artisan when leaving the screen idle on a Record Table screen, Artisan’s Screen Manager has been updated to account for a bug in the Java Runtime Environment