PAX MT30 Payment Terminal

This article shows the PAX MT30 Payment Terminal from Payment Logistics in the following order:

  • The MT30 device
  • Checking network settings
  • A normal sale
  • A keyed (manual card entry) sale


What does the device look like?






Checking Network Settings

Once you’ve plugged the device into power and your network (LAN), you’ll need to read out its network settings for Payment Logistics to use to configure your Client software. Follow the images in this section to navigate to the Network Settings screens on the device. Payment Logistics will help you with the rest of the setup.

To enter the setup screens on the MT30, press the Enter key. It will prompt you for a password. The password is today’s date (or sometimes tomorrow’s date), as 4 digits: mmdd.

Enter your password:



Main Menu:

From the Main Menu, select “6. Communication”.


Communication Options:

Then select “1. Main Communication”.


Main Communication:

Confirm that Main Communication is set to “1” (as shown in the title). If not, press “1. LAN”.
(“LAN” = Local Area Network.)


Touch the “Back” symbol in the lower-left corner to return to the previous screen.

LAN Parameters

Back at the Communications Options Screen, touch the triangle on the center right edge of the screen to move on to the 2nd page of Communications Options:


Pick “1. LAN Parameters”. On the LAN Parameters screen, you will see all of the Network Settings: IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway IP, and DNS IP.

Processing a Payment: Doing a Normal Sale

Once the device is set up properly, and Artisan POS and the PaygistiX Client are installed and configured correctly, you can ring up a sale through the POS.  You’ll see a screen similar to the following, on the payment terminal device:

Device is ready to take a payment: 


Once EMV is enabled, if the credit card has a chip in it, you can insert it, chip first, in the slot at the front of the device, under the keyboard. Otherwise, swipe it in the magnetic stripe reader slot above the keyboard (left to right, or right to left), with the mag stripe facing you.

Transaction is processing now:


Signature Screen: 

If Signature Capture is enabled, the customer can sign their name on screen (with the attached stylus), then touch “ACCEPT” to finish the transaction. Otherwise, this screen will be skipped.


Thank You message (Transaction Approved):


Processing a Payment: A keyed (manual card entry) sale

If the card doesn’t read correctly, or you’re taking a phone order w/o the card present, you’ll have to enter the card info manually. (Also called a “Keyed” transaction.) You still use the Payment Terminal Device, but instead of swiping a card, start typing the card number on the keypad. This will take you to the Card Number screen, and then other manual card info screens. After each one, press Enter.

Enter Card Number:


Enter Expiration Date:


Enter security code (“CVC2”, a.k.a. “CVV Code”):


If you don’t have a security code (CVC2), leave it blank, then on the next screen, explain why:


Enter CC Billing Address (just the numeric part of the street address):


Enter Zip code:


Thank You message:


Updated on June 15, 2023

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