Artisan 4.7 introduces the “Exit When Idle” option. If configured, Artisan will close out after a certain period of time when the program has remained inactive. If there are unsaved changes (ex. an unfinished sale or an edited Item Record), Artisan will display a pop-up screen asking if you want to close out.
Note: A similar setting is Artisan’s “Logout When Idle” option. When configured, Artisan will log out instead of closing entirely. Click here to learn about this setting.
Setting Up “Exit When Idle”
From the “Program Options” screen, click on “Miscellaneous Program Options.”
Look for the “Exit When Idle (with no unsaved changes) after…” field. Artisan’s default is 60 minutes, but you may change this by entering a different number (ex. “15” for 15 minutes). If you wish to disable “Exit When Idle,” input a 0.
Closing with Unfinished Changes
If you have unfinished changes, like an unfinished sale, Artisan will confirm if you want to discard what you are working on and close the program.
If you have Artisan minimized and have unfinished changes, the Artisan icon will turn amber to alert you of the pop-up.