Merging Duplicate Item Records

If you have duplicate item records, you can merge the records (while preserving both items’ purchase history and quantity on hand). Follow the steps in this article to learn how.

In this example, we have two item records, both called “Purple Cotton Dress,” but with different Item Codes.



We’ve received five units each.

We sold one of ASP1 on October 23, 10:14 AM, which leaves us with a quantity on hand of four.

We sold one of ASP2 on October 23, 10:18, which also leaves us with a quantity on hand of four for this record.

We are going to merge ASP2 with our original item record, ASP1.

To do so, we’ll copy the item code “ASP1” and paste it into the item code for “ASP2.”

Once we hit “Save,” Artisan will ask if we want to merge this record we’re currently on with the other record. Click “Yes.”

Artisan will return to the “Item Records” screen. We’ll notice that item record ASP2 is gone. Our QOH has been updated to “carry over” the four from the ASP2 record.

You’ll notice that other fields, like the “UPC” field, have been preserved to reflect the original record’s fields. ASP2’s UPC field was ASP2, but it is now ASP1 since this was the original record’s UPC code.

Viewing the “Activity” tab, we’ll notice that our “Total # of Units Sold” reflects both the one item we sold using the original item record and the one item we sold using the duplicate record. Artisan also shows the five we received of ASP1 and ASP2, bringing that total to 10.

Our “Receiving Log” is updated accurately as well.


Updated on October 23, 2023

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