What is a License Key?
License keys grant you access to Artisan, adding other stations, and additional features (add-ons). They are given to you by our sales department, typically in an email with a document explaining each key you have purchased.
Click here to learn about adding license keys in Artisan.
What are Soft Keys?
If you buy an additional station license for a machine (ex. computer or tablet) that has never had Artisan installed on it, you’ll need what is called a softkey. A softkey makes Artisan live on machines that haven’t had Artisan installed before.
To get a soft key, you’ll need to head into Artisan on that computer and receive the computer’s hardware ID (Machine Name ID). This ID will automatically copy to your computer. Paste that ID in an email to our support staff. The support staff or sales team will reach out with a soft key.