1. Verify that the bar code scanner is connected to your computer via USB.
In a Windows OS Environment, you will see the bar code scanner in the Device Manager.
2. To verify the settings in Artisan, click on “Go” on the home screen and navigate to “Device Configuration,” then “Bar Code Scanner.”
Make sure that the Bar Code Scanner Port is set to “Keyboard Emulation” and the Scanner Model is set as “Generic Scanner.”
Note: Artisan can also look up customers by IDs and reward cards.
Make sure “Any Scan With Exactly” is checked. You will need the number of characters (that aren’t duplicated on all rewards cards [this would be the Starting with Prefix(ex)]. For example, if you have rewards cards that all start with 9000000 and then have 8 characters after that, you would have exactly “8” digits, starting with Prefix (es) “9000000.”
These rewards numbers should then be entered into the customer record on the License and IDs tab.
UPC Codes, world-unique codes assigned by the manufacturer, are 12 digits codes with three parts. They’re comprised of the system digit, the middle digits, and the last check digit with a couple of exceptions. The settings defined in Artisan need to match the format of the UPC codes. There are cases where the check digit isn’t transmitted, so only 11 digits are scanned, which may differ from your Artisan settings (resulting in a bar code not matching). In this case, reprogram your scanner by scanning the special bar codes provided by the manufacturer.
For more information on UPC Codes, visit https://certek.com/kb4/importing-upc-codes/