Vendor Record List


The Vendor Record List screen houses a list of all of your vendors. Like other record screens, you can search your vendors through the normal search or Power Search, configure columns, add and edit records, apply bulk changes, export lists, and print from the screen.

To select a vendor, click on the record (which will be highlighted in blue). Press enter or “Edit This Record.”

Bulk Changes

Bulk Change Vendor Type: To change multiple vendor record’s Vendor Type, select one from the list.

Bulk Change Vendor Keywords: You can add keywords to your Vendor Records to make them easier to search/filter, and also apply bulk changes to. 

Bulk Change Internet Store Fields: To include or remove multiple Vendor Records from your Internet Store, select this option.

Bulk Delete Vendor Records: To delete multiple vendor records at once, use this option. Use extreme caution when deleting records.




Updated on June 15, 2023

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