Saved Layouts and Searches

Artisan POS has numerous areas you can configure to fit your individual needs. A great example of this is being able to create saved searches with saved column layouts. Column layouts refer to how information is presented in areas like Customer and Item Record lists. You may move columns left and right (reorder), delete and add columns, adjust the width of each column, and change the way columns are sorted (ex. A – Z or Z – A).

These column layouts can be tied to saved searches. Saved searches help you find what you’re looking for within lists, and can be ready to select from other searches to save you time in the future. You may save these configurations per station. 

Creating a Saved Layout

For this example, we’re going to be using the Customer Records list.

For this example, we want to create a new layout that has the “Last Name” as the first column. We also want to adjust the width of the “First Name” column to make it smaller. Before we make those changes, we’ll head to the “Column Layout” dropdown and select “Edit List.”

We’ll press “Add,” give our layout a name, and press “OK.” 

We’ll press “OK” again to exit the screen.

Now, the name for our new column is selected.

We can start making our changes. 

Now, this layout is saved. If you want to use it in the future, just select it from the dropdown.

Artisan has a handy tool that allows you to save searches for future use. You can also pair a saved column with a saved search.

To save a search, we’ll click on the “Show Power Search” to expand our search options. 

For this search, we want to refine it by customers in a specific state. We’ll make sure “include” is selected next to “States” and type in the state abbreviation. 

We’ll then click on “Save Search.”

We’ll create a name for our new search. We can also make this the default search if necessary by clicking the check mark box.

Artisan will display a confirmation message that you saved your search. It will then display the search based on the configurations you just set.

We’ll then go over to our “Column Layout” section and select the layout we want to save with this search.

Now, you’ll want to update this search. Go to “Save Search.

Press “OK.” 

Artisan will confirm that you want to replace this search. Press “OK.” 

Now, this column layout will be automatically used whenever you select this saved search. You can always switch to a different column by selecting the column layout dropdown and selecting a different saved layout. You can also save a different layout to this search scheme by overriding it like we just demonstrated.



Updated on June 15, 2023

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