Price Check With ScannerPal

4.7 introduces PDT (physical data terminal) support. CerTek’s ScannerPal is a portable data terminal that allows you to collect data, like counts, around the store and submit it to Artisan for tasks like sales orders, physical inventory, and more. This article explains how to use ScannerPal for checking an item’s price.

If you’re interested in purchasing or renting ScannerPal, contact or call (877) 723-7835.

Perform Price Check

After launching the app, select the “Price Check” option. 

Tap on the “Item Scan” text box to place the cursor inside. 

Scan the item’s barcode by pressing the yellow side button. 

ScannerPal will pull up the item’s price that’s in Artisan, along with other relevant data in the program, such as Item Code, QOH, and category.

Updated on June 16, 2023

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