User Record List

The Record List Screens in Artisan are very powerful. It’s helpful to review the details if you haven’t already. Here’s the link to Record Screen Basics

There isn’t a special power search panel for user records, but you can create an unlimited number of search options and use the Advanced Power Search if you have tons of users, to provide additional filtering options. Remember, when you save a search option, the advanced power search filters get saved with it.

The User Record article covers details on each individual field in the User record.

Watch this quick video or read the instructions below on how to access your user record list.

To get to the User Record List:

1. Before having the option of adding any additional Users, you will need to log in and have the authorization to create new ones.

2. After logging in, you will have access to “Tools” on the menu bar across the top of your Artisan window. Select this, then “Program Options,” which will open a new pop-up window for configuration.

Updated on June 13, 2023

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