Taking advantage of the Quick Pick section is one of many ways that Artisan can make transactions easier and faster! The Quick Pick is a location where you can easily add items to a sale or order. This is especially helpful for your most popular items that customers ask for.
Using the Quick Pick
Once your items and/or categories are added to the Quick Pick, it’s easy to select what you need.
1. Open the Quick Pick by selecting the “Quick Pick” button or pressing F11 on your keyboard.
2. Press the product’s button or select its letter or number on your keyboard.
3. The item will be added to the Sales Screen.
Add an Item to the Quick Pick
1. Select your item from the Inventory Records screen and click on “Edit This Record.”
2. This page will then display, allowing some customization for the item that you are working with. Select the “Pictures & Menus” tab.
3. From this screen, select the drop-down menu that is highlighted and change “Include in Quick-Pick?” to “Yes.” You can also customize the Quick Pick button with additional options such as “Menu Color” and “Thumbnail Image.”
4. You can also adjust the order of your Quick Pick buttons by entering a number in the “Menu Order” section. Any items with the Menu Order at 80 will be sorted alphabetically. The lower the number, the further up the item’s order.
As an example, we’ll set this other item’s menu order at “80.”
We’ll do the same for this next item, “A Wilder Rose.”
For this item, we’ll set its order to “1.”
Access the Quick Pick menu from the Sale’s Screen by selecting the “Quick Pick” button or pressing F11 on your keyboard.
Notice how “Happiness” and “A Wilder Rose” are sorted alphabetically, and “Briar Queen” is the first item listed on the Quick-Pick menu.
Add a Category to the Quick Pick
You may choose to add categories to the Quick Pick instead of individual items. When categories are added to the Quick Pick, any items within that category that are marked as “Include in Quick Pick?” in their Item Record will show up on the menu.
First, head to the “Categories” section in Artisan.
Select a category to edit.
Click on the “Pictures and Menus” tab. Just like the Quick Pick option for Item Records, you may change its Menu Order, Menu Color, and a full-sized or thumbnail image.
You may also choose to write an abbreviated name for the category, especially if it is a long category name. Leave this section blank if you want to use the Category Description.
Sticky Quick Pick Mode
The “Sticky Quick Pick” field is optional. If this is selected, Artisan will return to the Quick Pick category. This is useful if you need to add more than one item on the Quick Pick to the sale. To leave the menu, select the “Cancel” button or hit “Esc” on your keyboard.
To enable or disable this, go to the category and select the “Pictures and Menus” tab and select “Yes” or “No” for the “Sticky Quick Pick?” field.
With this setting left as default, Artisan will open the Quick-Pick to show all top-level items and categories. For example, you have the category “Artwork” on the “Quick-Pick,” and when “Artwork” is selected, it opens a subcategory with other items. “Artwork” is the top-level category.
Automatic Quick Pick Mode
You can have Artisan display the Quick-Pick screen whenever a new sale is started. Instead of showing the Sale Screen first, the Quick-Pick will display. This is great if your store is very fast-paced, and you need to select commonly purchased items.
Select “Tools” and “Program Options.“
Select “Miscellaneous Program Options.”
Select “Sale Screen Options.”
Look for “Quick Pick.” For the “Automatic Quick Pick Mode?” select “Yes.” Save your changes.
Now, when a new sale is started, Artisan will show the Quick-Pick menu. Artisan will keep showing this menu (so you can select other items if necessary) until you select “Cancel” or “0” on your keyboard before returning to the Sales Screen.
Automatic Category
You may also program Artisan to open in a specific category automatically, instead of just showing all top-level items. Just select a category from the dropdown.
Now, Artisan will always start in this category when the Sales Screen is opened.